About Us

Who we are and why we're here.



Who we are

TITAN CRM is a trading name of Chittak Ltd. Chittak is a Bournemouth based web and database development company with a passion for all things techy! Between us we have years of experience in the web field developing a range of large online sytems.

Why we are here

Time for a little background! TITAN was dreamt up when our friends (an IT support company) got fed up with using note taking services to store their client data.
When members of staff were handling calls or jobs, pulling together all this scattered data was a nightmare. As is often the case, when they started out this wasn't an issue, but as they grew, the value of the company's data increased. As with various note taking services, there is no structure to the data that was being entered, imagine having all the key facts about a Wi-Fi router (the IP, the username etc.) but then finding someone forgot to write down the password. It makes the whole data set useless. This was our problem to solve.

Fast forwarding to now, TITAN has evolved to handle so much more. Through learning from others mistakes and having the rare chance to build a system like TITAN from the ground up, we have been able to create a system to, at its most simplest, improve your company's internal communication of data and overall efficiency.

So why choose us? There are lots of bigger names out there.

Whilst we don't have the market presence of many large CRM providers, we are very confident in our product and the way it compares. We chalenge you to come in for a demo and for you to not see a way TITAN could benifit your business.

The biggest benefit our customers recieve is our pure passion for this system, we have not been diluted by managerial and company structures along with profit margins and board meetings. We are all at the heart of TITAN as a system and strive to make it better for you and for us (we use TITAN to you know!). As long as you keep using TITAN, you will always have an influence over what happens next; features, tweaks and changes, the lot.